My Chords
Online guitar chord sequencer
You can store chords in the sequencer using the "SAVE" button in the guitar chordbook.
Drag n Drop Chords to make a tune
There is a maximum no of chords that can be stored which is 36. You can drag and drop chords between slots and delete chords using the options link at the bottom.
You cannot toggle between Strum or Pick mode once you are viewing the MyChords panel but you can change this before loading.
You can either playback automatically or "step" thru your saved chord sequence. If you playback the tempo will be set using the bpm controller (default 120) which approximates to playing one chord over a 4/4 bar (i.e. 4 beats). The cycle control allows you to repeat the sequence indefinitely.
Your My Chords selection will be stored for your next visit to